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Why electric car chargers are a good business opportunity

Graham Rowlands, Managing Director at Devitech, discusses the many advantages of owning electric vehicle chargers as a business owner.

Why electric car chargers are a good business opportunity - Devitech

With electric vehicle (EV) technology and infrastructure increasing yearly, it’s no surprise that EV adoption is at an all-time high. For businesses, electric car and EV charger ownership makes financial sense and is a positive move for the environment.

Government grants and incentives
While many business owners are sold on the concept of owning an EV, the reality is that you’ll also need somewhere to charge it. To combat this, the Government introduced two grants: the Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) and the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleet.

The WCS allows for up to £350 per charging socket (maximum of 40 sockets) and can reduce the costs of installing a new charge point by 75%. The EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleet allows for up to £850 for each private parking space (for a minimum of five) that the charging infrastructure and charge point are required for, up to the value of £15,000 per building. If more charge points are needed in addition to those provided by this grant, then the Workplace Charging Scheme may be used simultaneously. Read our full guide on EV charger grants for your business.

Alongside Government incentives, when comparing running costs to a petrol or diesel car, EVs are much lower and can be driven for as little as 9p per mile.

Sustainability kudos
Having EV chargers installed at your business demonstrates a real commitment to sustainability. If your business is built on brand values that mention environmental awareness, then a lack of EV chargers can seriously undermine your brand message and demonstrate a lack of practical application. 

For businesses without an environmental focus, not embracing EV chargers could also present issues, as attracting the best employees requires a modern and forward-thinking approach to business. Installing EV chargers can also encourage employees to go electric sooner.

Destination charging
If you own a destination-focused business in the hospitality industry, you will benefit from increased footfall when installing EV chargers. EV owners are always looking for convenient places to charge their vehicles and will choose your business over another for convenience. It’s an excellent competitive edge to have in crowded marketplaces like hotels, spas or restaurants.

Need some more guidance? It all starts with a simple phone call. We know there’s so much to take in, so we’re here to help you every step of the way. To start your EV charging journey, contact us.


Graham Rowlands, Managing Director at Devitech

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