EV Charging Blog - Devitech

How to choose the right EV chargers for your business

Written by Dan Booker | Feb 27, 2023 11:04:26 AM

How to choose an (EV) electrical vehicle charger that fits your business’ needs best.


How to know which EV charger fits your business’ needs best?
To find the right EV charger for your operation, it’s best to look at the needs and wants of your business first. When a Devitech specialist conducts a free site assessment, before our chat with you to discuss your business’ needs, we obtain crucial information like your site’s electrical supply and capacity. We like to give you the technical facts up front so we can give you informed recommendations from the outset.

Our top recommendations for future-proofing and usability
For most clients, an Easee 22kw model is our top recommendation because of their future-proofing potential. Once you’ve installed the initial infrastructure you can continually add to your network with their dynamic load balancing capabilities. From a cosmetic point of view, the units look sleek, futuristic, discreet, and come in a range of colours - black, red, blue and white.

Another top recommendation is the 22kw Sevadis model. These sleek units are easy to configure and easy to use. Chargers come with display screens that are user-friendly and show how much electricity a car is using, how long it’s been charging for and overall consumption once the charge is completed. Users can charge with either an RFID card or through our intelligent back-office system, Fuuse.


Mitigating fear to find you an EV charger solution 
There are still many uncertainties and misconceptions about electric vehicles, their chargers and their capabilities. Research has shown that businesses’ main concerns are around connectivity and usage. By installing an intelligent back-office management system, you have complete visibility of usage, payment methods and revenue optimisation.

Is your business based in a rural setting? If so, our chargers come with eSim cards that allow for rural installation when charging bays are located away from Wi-Fi networks. Alternatively, we can install QR codes for each charger in your Wi-Fi-friendly reception area or office. A third option involves instructing civil engineers to install additional infrastructure allowing a separate Wi-Fi connection for your chargers.

As an end-to-end solutions provider, we start and finish your project and sort out all the problems in between. We’re here to guide you throughout the process so you don’t feel alone at any stage.