We’ve outlined the importance of the 3Ms for your charging network and how our service, EV ChargeCare, can benefit your charging stations post-installation.
We use the 3Ms to explain the importance of aftercare and maintenance of your EV chargers. The 3Ms include monetising, management and maintenance. By collaborating with us, you can optimise your EV chargers.
Monetising: Your back office should be seen as a revenue generator, and that cannot happen if your chargers aren’t cared for.
Make the most of your EV chargers by adding charging fees for EV users, such as your employees or business customers. Our cloud-based charging platform in our back office gives you access to operations, energy management and revenue systems, allowing your chargers to drive a profit.
Management: Quality management of your EV charging station can help us detect and fix a problem.
As the experts, we aim to ensure your EV charging station works effectively. Our team manages your chargers outside and inside of working hours to ensure if there’s an issue, we can fix it remotely or book a site visit to fix it in person.
Maintenance: Management goes hand in hand with regular maintenance. We monitor if your charging stations are working well and offer timely and relevant maintenance. Regular maintenance and services can prevent your chargers from faulting.
The support of EV chargers begins before and after installation. We offer EV ChargeCare which focuses on support for as little or as much as you need, before, during and after installation.
EV Charge Care is a low-monthly-cost subscription service that covers out-of-hours support and monitoring, updating chargers regularly with the latest technology, annual inspections, regular services and safety tests each year.
This subscription service is designed for new and existing clients, for installed chargers by us or other providers.